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Blue Pea Flower Tea (25g)

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शंखपुष्पी | 70 cups | Shankpushpi | Aparajita | Calm & Clarity | Brewed Hot & Cold | Morning & Evenings | Caffeine-free | Grown in wild | Sun-dried


Packaging details

Net weight 25 grams | Packaged in a  kraft paper pouch with a zip lock to retain freshness | Best before 6 months of packaging | Store in a dry place 


Discover the pure essence of nature in every sip with our Blue Pea Tea, a rare and exquisite infusion sourced directly from the wild forests through local farmers. Handpicked from the heart of nature, these delicate blue petals are sun-dried to perfection, preserving their vibrant color and potent health benefits.


1. Wild Harvested Elegance: Our Blue Pea Tea is not just a beverage; it's a celebration of nature's untouched beauty. Harvested from wild blue pea flowers, every cup reflects the essence of pristine forests.

2. Sun-Dried Purity: The sun-drying process ensures that each petal retains its natural color, aroma, and nutrients. No artificial preservatives or additives are used, guaranteeing you the purest tea experience.

3. Health and Wellness: Packed with antioxidants, this tea not only delights your senses but also supports your well-being. Blue pea flowers are known for their anti-inflammatory and stress-relieving properties, making this tea a natural elixir for your body and mind.

4. Eco-Friendly Sourcing: We take pride in our ethical sourcing practices. By directly partnering with local farmers, we support sustainable agriculture and contribute to the preservation of forest ecosystems, ensuring a greener planet for generations to come.

5. Exquisite Flavor Profile: Dive into a world of subtle floral notes and a naturally mild earthy taste. Whether you prefer it hot or iced, our Blue Pea Tea offers a refreshing and calming experience with every cup.

6. Versatile Usage: Apart from being a delightful tea, the vibrant blue hue of this infusion makes it a favorite among mixologists and culinary enthusiasts. Use it as a natural food coloring or create captivating tea-based cocktails and desserts.

Indulge in the purity of nature with every sip. Elevate your tea experience and embark on a journey through the wild, one cup at a time. Unveil the magic of Blue Pea Tea and let its natural splendor enchant your senses.

Note: Due to its wild and natural origins, the appearance and shade of the tea may vary, enhancing its authenticity and uniqueness.

Preparation & serving

How to make a hot brew

  • Put 4-5 flowers in a kettle
  • Pour boiling water
  • Let it seep for 2-3 mins
  • Strain and pour in a cup

Refrigerate the strained infusion to make the perfect cold brews.
Or add cold water and infuse for 10 minutes to make cold brews ideal for cocktails. 

Serving: 4-5 flowers per 100 ml

Origin & processing

Our Chamomile flowers come from Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. These seasonal flowers naturally grow from winter to spring. Due to its high demand, we have been able to develop a vast network of farmers across the country.
The blue pea flowers are cleaned, sorted and sun-dried manually at the farmers end.

Health benefits

Blue pea tea, also known as butterfly pea flower tea, is made from the dried flowers of the Clitoria ternatea plant. It is a popular herbal tea in various cultures and is known for its vibrant blue color. Here are some potential health benefits associated with blue pea tea:

  • Rich in Antioxidants: Blue pea tea is high in antioxidants, including anthocyanins, which help combat oxidative stress in the body. Antioxidants contribute to overall health by neutralizing free radicals and supporting the immune system.

  • Anti-Inflammatory Properties: The antioxidants present in blue pea tea may have anti-inflammatory effects, potentially reducing inflammation in the body. Chronic inflammation is linked to various health conditions, and anti-inflammatory foods can contribute to overall well-being.

  • Boosts Cognitive Function: Some studies suggest that anthocyanins, found in blue pea tea, may have neuroprotective effects. Regular consumption might contribute to improved cognitive function and memory.

  • May Support Hair Health: Blue pea tea is traditionally used for promoting hair growth and preventing premature graying. The antioxidants in the tea may contribute to a healthy scalp and hair.

  • Rich in Vitamins and Minerals: Blue pea tea contains essential vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C, vitamin A, and iron. These nutrients are important for maintaining overall health and well-being.

  • May Have Antidiabetic Effects: Some research indicates that blue pea tea may help regulate blood sugar levels. This potential antidiabetic effect can be beneficial for individuals managing diabetes.

  • Eye Health: Blue pea tea is believed to have benefits for eye health. The antioxidants, particularly anthocyanins, may help protect the eyes from oxidative damage and support vision.

  • May Have Anti-Anxiety Effects: Blue pea tea is sometimes considered a natural anxiolytic. The compounds in the tea may have calming effects, potentially reducing symptoms of anxiety and stress.

  • Supports Skin Health: The antioxidants in blue pea tea contribute to healthy skin by neutralizing free radicals that can damage skin cells. Some people use blue pea tea topically as a facial wash or incorporate it into skincare routines.

  • May Aid in Weight Management: Blue pea tea is often included in weight loss and management plans. It is low in calories and may have mild diuretic effects, promoting the elimination of excess fluids from the body.

  • Digestive Health: Blue pea tea is believed to have digestive benefits. It may help soothe the digestive tract, reduce bloating, and alleviate indigestion.

While blue pea tea offers these potential health benefits, individual responses may vary, and it's essential to consume it as part of a balanced and varied diet. As with any herbal tea, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional, especially if you have specific health concerns or are pregnant, before making it a regular part of your routine.

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